Red Dress Diaries
Novel by Beverly Beckly
Beverly Beckley donated this on behalf of her partner's cousins, and all Indigenous people of Alberta and Western Canada. In an interview Beckley explains, "the Red Dress Diaries consists of 54 poems, numbered backwards symbolizing that 54% of the MMIWG are from Western Canada (Stats from NWAC). The 10 poem Chapbook donated to MMIWG was dedicated to the families giving testimony to the National Inquiry. The full book of poetry is still a work in progress. Some of the poems are about specific women and cases while others attempt to illustrate the issue of marginalization. The project was inspired partially by the mandate to move towards truth and reconciliation to heal the troubled past between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians during Canada 150. This project was also inspired by Gord Downie's Secret Path project from 2016." Like Downie, Beckley believes art can affect social change. As Downie captured the despair and hope of Chanie Wenjack with Secret Path, Beckley also seeks to bring attention to the despair and struggle of the families of MMIWG. This project is dedicated to those families and to all Indigenous people in Western Canada in hope that those who lost their lives won't be forgotten and those that remain can work together with Non-Indigenous people to create a better future. Downie believed that non-Indigenous people have a role to play in helping and healing and Beckley wants to use her talent to do her part.